Monday, February 8, 2010

The New Hampshire Legislator - Wasting Our Dollars And Their Time Again

As the New Hampshire deficit currently stands, Concord needs to come up with a large amount of money or cut spending soon. New Hampshire has many important issues that must be dealt with, including Health First and social programs that are running up the deficit. Yet, while our state is coping with a recession, our legislator finds it necessary to once again waste 1,500$ and there "valuable" time on frivolous legislation. On Wednesday a bill asking the British government to return a set of statues to Greece was discussed and voted down. When the vote, was tallied and came up short, Democrat Susan Almy called for the bill to be reconsidered. The leadership in our statehouse is once again wasting our money and their time legislating and debating on an issue the people of NH don't care about! Our legislator needs to get a grip on what is important, saving the NH advantage. They need to realize that they are not elected to solve the world's problems but to solve NH's problems. The majority of us could care less if Greece gets there statues, so why don't you fix the budget and our taxes, because that matters to us.

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