Thursday, June 23, 2011


Obama speaks people listen
Our men in uniform return
Yet Taliban guns still glisten
The Afghan people do we spurn?

Drugs still flow across the border
Hillary promises more aid
Money cannot remake order
Better to have housewife Bill spayed

In Africa Ghaddafi yells
That NATO simply plays unfair-
But to his, he is many hells
Libyans laugh- utter despair

Rhymes are my vicodin of choice
Against the news - couplets have voice news - couplets have voice

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have given up watching the news. Tainted, slanted stories about the world no longer excite me. Instead the internet has become my source of reality. Scary - right? While it is easier to take in every prospective, even online one can not get away from the futility of life and the sorrows of our world. In an attempt to grapple with my own feelings on the issues, I have taken up my pen and written a number of couplets. Hopefully this will become a daily activity. A Shakespearean News Round-Up of sorts.

A vote in the darkness of night
austerity - Greek slow poison?
In the streets Assads men do fight
bloody hands fued the horizon.

La Familia's head severed
a temporary victory. 
Surge troops leaving we endeavored
to be non-contradictory

Bombings in Iraq - Dead - Once more
twenty five lives given for what...
Jon Huntsman joins the major for-
ay, Backbone? positions forgot?

Rhymes are my vicodin of choice
against the news - couplets have voice